Quiz #2 notes, Tuesday, February 3rd 2009 - Chaps 1, 2, and 3

ISU570 Human Computer Interaction

Professor Futrelle, CCIS, Northeastern University - Spring 2009

Version of January 31, 2009

Below, I describe five topics, one from chapter 1, one from chapter 2, and three from chapter 3. On the quiz, there will be two questions. They will be based on two of the five topics that I will select. So obviously, you need to carefully study the five topics so you'll be ready for whichever I choose to put on the quiz. The overall goal is to allow you to concentrate on limited portions of the chapters, so you can learn a few important topics well, rather than many topics superficially. The topics I choose not to ask about may well show up on later tests, so your efforts will not be wasted. (It's never a waste of time anyway, to learn interesting and useful things!)

For each of the two questions, I will describe a specific artefact that you can relate the topics to.

Chapter 1: Sec. 1.6.1 Usability is the goal of Sec. 1.6.3 Design.
I will list the six usability items and the four design issues on the quiz.
Choose and discuss one usability item and one design issue, explaining how it relates to the artefact.

Chapter 2: Sec. 2.3.1 on metaphors and especially Sec. 2.3.3.
I will give you one system aspect that is based on a metaphor.
You are to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of that metaphor.

Chapter 3: Sec. 3.2, especially the list on pg 94.
I will give you a certain aspect of an artefact and ask you to discuss perception and recognition in relation to it.

Chapter 3: Sec. 3.3, especially the first sentence on frameworks. Of the five items there, be ready to discuss and relate mental models and theories of action.

Chapter 3: Sec. 3.3 Discuss external cognition.

Though you will not be asked about external memory, you might enjoy reading about it and about the origins of writing here,
and another article,

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